10 Power Habits To Improve Your Attitude

Thrive In 2023 And Beyond: 10 Power Habits To Improve Your Attitude

Do you struggle to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude? If your big goal for 2023 is to adjust your attitude for the better, consider these ten power habits to improve your overall attitude and feel better about life. Improving your attitude can positively touch all areas of your life, so consider adopting these habits to let more goodness into your new year.

Pay close attention to the type of language you use when you speak to yourself.

The way you speak to yourself has a massive impact on your overall attitude. Pay close attention to how you speak to yourself. If your language is overly negative, self deprecating, or cruel, practice saying kinder and more positive things to yourself. The way you speak to yourself matters. Even if you struggle to use kind and gentle words, doing so over time will help boost your attitude tremendously.

Challenge yourself to find the silver lining of every dark storm cloud in your life.

Any time you find yourself experiencing a rough patch in life, get into the habit of finding the one good thing about the experience – even if it’s something incredibly small. Allowing yourself to find and focus on the silver lining of a bad situation is an excellent way to keep your attitude upbeat even during the most troubling times.

Give yourself permission to go ahead and process big, difficult emotions as you experience them.

Going through big emotions is a challenge. Rather than trying to avoid your emotions by ignoring or hiding them, allow yourself to actually feel them and process them as they’re happening. This may seem like the opposite thing you’d want to do to improve your attitude, but it has a huge benefit: processing your emotions in real-time helps resolve them quicker. Rather than dealing with unhealed emotional wounds that drag you down, you can get back to feeling like yourself again much faster.

Be extremely mindful of the company you choose to keep.

The people you spend your time with can have massive impacts on your attitude. Get into the habit of spending more time with happy, upbeat, and positive people. The people you spend time with most frequently have the biggest impact on your overall attitude; if you’re spending a lot of time with negative or toxic people, it’s going to be tough to maintain a good attitude. Instead, improve your attitude by hanging out with people who will uplift you.

Spend more time doing the activities that bring you the most joy.

It’s easier to feel good when you’re doing what you love most. Make room in your busy schedule for activities you really enjoy on a regular basis. When you have this special time to look forward to, it’s an instant attitude adjuster. You’ll notice yourself feeling good when you prioritize getting to do your favorite activities regularly.

Try doing more good things for other people without the expectation of repayment or incentive to do them.

Doing kind things for other people is a classic way to improve your own attitude. Let yourself really absorb and enjoy those warm-and-fuzzy feelings you get from seeing your hard work bring some peace and joy into the lives of others. Rather than expecting a favor in return or repayment for your kindness, allow the act of service itself to serve as an attitude-boosting serum for your soul. Get into the habit of doing good things for others, whether you decide to volunteer, perform random acts of kindness, or help others already in your life. However you decide to do good, you will experience the attitude improving benefits from it.

Practice taking compliments from other people without negating them.

Get into the habit of actually taking compliments from other people to heart instead of rejecting them – even if you do it playfully! For example, if a coworker tells you “good job” on your presentation, don’t start listing everything you didn’t like about your work. Instead, just say “thank you” and let yourself absorb their kind words. Taking compliments from other people seriously is a great way to improve your overall attitude.

Let go of things you cannot control.

Trying to hold on to what you can’t control in life is an attitude crusher. Instead of torturing yourself with things outside of your control, such as other people’s choices or your past mistakes, give yourself permission to let go of those impossibly heavy burdens. Relinquishing your impossible task of maintaining control over the uncontrollable will instantly relieve you of so much excess stress; eventually, you’ll feel your attitude shift toward a more positive light as you continue to differentiate between what you can and can’t control.

Take some time to express gratitude for all the good things in your life each day.

Reminding yourself of everything good in your life is a powerful habit for improving your attitude. Even on your crummiest days, reminding yourself of the good parts of your life is a great way to boost your mood a little. Get into the habit of expressing gratitude each day. You can keep a gratitude journal or a running list of everything that you are grateful for – however you do it, make sure you spend a couple minutes doing it each day for maximum attitude-adjusting effect.

Start your day with some strong and powerful affirmations.

A great way to start your day off great (and give your attitude an extra-positive boost first thing in the morning) is to recite some strong and powerful affirmations to yourself. You can chant them, sing them to yourself, repeat them in front of the mirror – how you speak your affirmations doesn’t matter, as long as they get you hyped up and feeling good about the day! You can create your own, unique affirmations or get started with some of these simple ones:

  • I have the power to do good things.
  • I am a great person.
  • I can make good choices.
  • I have the power to make a difference.
  • Today is going to be awesome.

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About the Author: PersonalDev