10 Powerful Mantras

Thrive In 2023 And Beyond: 10 Powerful Mantras

Mantras are a powerful meditation tool you can use to thrive and find success in 2023. Mantras, or short and easily repeatable phrases, are used to remind yourself of important and essential truths of human existence. To give yourself some inspiration in the new year, consider making these mantras a part of your routine.

“I have the power to do great things.”

You always have the power to make good choices for yourself – even in the bleakest of situations. Don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking that you can’t make a difference. You always have the power to do great things and make wise choices, even when your life feels particularly challenging. Use this mantra to remind yourself of this special and important power. It’s especially valuable during times of great stress and struggle. When you’re feeling low, reminding yourself of your power to do great things is essential.

“I am in control of my attitude.”

There aren’t many things in the world that a person has total and complete control over. Life has a way of throwing curveballs your way – sometimes you can predict the oncoming of a hardship; other times, challenges arise with no warning. No matter what happens in your life, it is important to remember that you always have complete control over your own attitude. You can choose how you’re going to react to something. You have the power to make good choices and approach all situations with a good attitude. This mantra is an important reminder of the power you wield. You always have the ability to make any situation a little bit better and brighter with a good attitude because you can control it.

“There is nobody better to be than myself.”

In a world where comparing yourself to other people is easier than ever (thanks, constant social media updates), this mantra serves as a reminder that you are the best person for you to be. Looking toward others’ lives as a beacon for what is “best” or “normal” can be a dangerous and painful game. Instead of constantly trying to conform and fit within whatever the people around you define as happy or successful, focus on what you want, as an individual. Rather than letting other people’s tastes and desires influence you, use this mantra to remind yourself that the things you want and hope for in life are just as valid and powerful. Instead of trying to be like someone else, focus on what it means to be your special and unique self.

“Positivity is power.”

A good attitude toward life is one of the best things you can use to protect yourself from negativity. Remind yourself of the importance of positivity with this mantra. Remind yourself regularly that positivity has a lot of power within it. A positive attitude has the ability to change your entire perspective on any situation, and since a positive attitude is an internal resource, you can call upon it anytime you need a boost.

“I can do hard things.”

You are always going to find yourself faced with difficult and challenging situations. Going through difficult times is a normal part of any human life – even if some of those challenges can feel impossible to navigate. Use this mantra to remind yourself of your true power. You can do hard things. You’ve done them before, and this means you have the power to get through them again.

“I choose my pathways in life.”

Sometimes, life feels like it is entirely up to chance and circumstance. Rather than allowing yourself to fall prey to this mindset, remind yourself of your personal power to make good choices with this mantra. You always have the power to choose your pathways in life. Even in a truly difficult situation, you can choose the options that will lead to the best outcome for yourself and your future – even if those choices are difficult to make.

“I can choose to have a good day.”

Whether or not you have a “good” day is absolutely up to you. Even when your life throws unexpected circumstances your way, you have the power to adjust your attitude accordingly. You can’t always control everything happening around you, but you can always choose how you are going to react to these things. Use this mantra to remind yourself of the importance of choosing positivity and happiness – even when the world tempts you to choose negativity and dread.

“My body is powerful.”

Your human body is the greatest gift you’ll ever receive. Your body is capable of many powerful processes – it gathers nutrients from your food, processes thoughts, keeps blood moving through your body constantly, and helps you physically move through your life. Remember that your body is incredibly special and powerful. This mantra is especially helpful on days when you may be feeling a little insecure about your appearance. Even on your roughest mental health days, your body is a sacred gift.

“It’s okay to make mistakes.”

Making mistakes is a natural part of being a human being. Even though making mistakes can feel embarrassing, humiliating, and even shameful, it’s essential to remember that all people make them at many points in their lives. Your mistakes are just as valid and normal as everyone else’s – they may feel like the “end of the world,” but they are simply something that makes you just as human as everyone else. Mistakes don’t have to define you permanently.

“Just keep moving.”

This mantra serves as a powerful reminder to just keep moving – even when it feels especially difficult to do so. You do not have to power and plow through life at a breakneck speed. Instead, you can still make progress even if you are only taking baby steps toward it. Remember: you don’t have to force yourself to move at uncomfortable and unsustainable paces. Even if you only take a little baby step, you are still moving forward.

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About the Author: PersonalDev