10 Power Habits To Reduce Risks For Lifestyle Diseases

Thrive In 2023 And Beyond: 10 Power Habits To Reduce Risks For Lifestyle Diseases

In 2023, strive to be the healthiest version of yourself that you can possibly be. You can make healthier lifestyle changes by adopting power habits to help you reduce your risk of developing lifestyle-based diseases. Lifestyle diseases are defined as “any medical disorder or condition thought to be produced or exacerbated by aspects of a person’s lifestyle, such as diet and level of physical activity.”

Realizing that you need to make some lifestyle changes to improve your health can feel scary and impossible to do, especially if your unhealthy habits have been a major part of your life for years. However, doing away with these bad habits is necessary – according to the Centers for Disease Control, “chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. When examining chronic diseases and their potential connection to the environment, it is important to consider lifestyle risk factors that could play a role in their development. Four personal behaviors that can affect chronic diseases are: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition (obesity), tobacco use, and excessive alcohol use.”

To get yourself on a better (and healthier) pathway in 2023, consider adopting these ten power habits for reducing your risk of developing lifestyle diseases.

Find sneaky ways to squeeze more exercise and movement into your day.

An excellent way to squeeze more exercise into your day (and work toward reducing your risk of a lifestyle-based disease) is to incorporate movement into the already-existing parts of your day. For example, think about where you normally park at work. Are you as close to the building as you can possibly get? If so, start parking farther away – this will force you to take more steps to get to and from your car. Some other swaps include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or going on a quick walk during your lunch break.

Reach out to someone you trust when you need a little extra help.

There is no shame in asking someone for help when you need it. If your unhealthy lifestyle habits feel too big to face alone, get into the habit of reaching out to someone you know and trust for support when you’re feeling weak. Facing difficult emotions related to old habits can be extremely mentally taxing; knowing who you can turn to in times of trouble can provide you with a sense of instant relaxation and relief. Identify the people in your circle of support and make a plan to reach out to them when you need it.

Identify your biggest vices and find healthy swaps for them.

Think about some of your biggest vices. For example, do you find it hard to resist a glass (or two or three) of wine with your dinner? If so, try swapping out some of that wine with a sparkling water beverage or low-sugar juice. Are crunchy potato chips your favorite snack? Swap that out with some whole grain popcorn with salt. These kinds of swaps help you build healthier habits around your existing ones.

Practice expressing gratitude each and every day.

People who are grateful for what they have in life are far more likely to take good care of themselves and disengage in unhealthy habits and behaviors. Think about everything in your life that is going well or serves as a great blessing – for example, you may think about your friends, your family, your job, your hobbies, your home, and more. Habitually expressing gratitude for these parts of your life is an excellent way to appreciate yourself more, which leads to making better and healthier choices for your overall well being.

Choose a reasonable bedtime and stick to it every night.

Getting enough good, quality sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. Good sleep ensures that your body has plenty of time to rest and repair itself. Besides feeling well-rested during the day, adopting the habit of going to bed at a reasonable time each night, getting lots of sleep is also directly connected to a reduced risk of circulation-related issues.

Make sure you are drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day.

Along with lots of good sleep, your body also needs good hydration. Get into the habit of drinking plenty of water throughout the day – ideally, the eight recommended glasses all people should drink each day. Your body needs water to function and perform all its processes, so make sure you’re giving it plenty enough to do its job.

Go to all of your medical appointments and checkups as required.

An excellent habit for reducing your risk of developing lifestyle diseases is to attend all your doctor’s appointments and checkups as required. Rather than procrastinating them, go ahead and schedule them…and actually go. Checking in with a medical professional is the best way to keep careful tabs on your overall health.

Eat a wide variety of nutritious foods.

A varied diet is a diet filled with lots of vitamins and nutrients. Challenge yourself to habitually eat a bountiful and varied diet full of different fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and beyond. When you eat a widely varied diet, you are ensuring that you’re getting everything your body needs to perform its best – and avoid any lifestyle-based diseases.

Avoid sleeping in and taking excessive naps on the weekends (or any other time you find yourself with extra time to kill).

As tempting as hitting the snooze button on your day off might be, don’t let it derail you from your healthy sleeping habits. Just as you go to bed around the same time each night, try to keep that same habitual schedule for your wake-up time, too. Not only will you have a more productive day by starting earlier, but you’ll also keep your body on a predictable and sustainable routine.

Cut back on the amount of sugar you consume.

While sugar is delicious, it can wreak havoc on many of your bodily systems. Overconsumption of sugar is directly linked to many lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and more. Get into the habit of cutting back on your sugar intake. You can find sweet, healthier swaps and reserve sugary treats for special occasions.

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About the Author: PersonalDev