Top 10 Ways to Be More Productive

Top 10 Ways to Be More Productive

Productivity is about getting more done in less time. When you increase your productivity, you increase your free time. You increase your profits if they’re tied to your productivity. And quite often, you increase your success and sense of satisfaction. Being more productive isn’t always intuitive. It helps to learn the tactics the most successful entrepreneurs use.

  1. Plan Your Day the Night Before

Before you go to bed each night, make sure to sit down at your planner or calendar and write down your to-do list and tasks for the next day. Identify the goals you want to achieve, the tasks you need to finish, and schedule your time. This tactic is effective for several reasons. First, it supports you to get a good night’s sleep. It’s much easier to leave the day’s stress behind you when you have your day planned. It helps clear your mind so you can relax.

Additionally, when you take time at night to plan your upcoming day, you’re able to start the day with a clear itinerary. You can hit the ground running so to speak and start making your day productive as soon as you wake up.

  1. Leverage Planning Systems

You can use many planning systems. Find one that works for you. It doesn’t matter if you use a notebook and embrace bullet journaling/planning or if you love technology and use a mobile app to keep you on track. Find a system that supports you to schedule your time and create task lists. Google calendar, is a simple, and free, technology that you can use from your computer, on your phone, and anywhere there is an internet connection.

  1. Know Your Productivity Personality

When are you most energized, productive, and able to focus? For many the answer is “first thing in the morning,” but that isn’t always the case. Some people don’t really hit full stride until after lunch and night owls are more productive when it’s dark. Find your time and schedule your priority tasks during this time.

  1. Prioritize

Okay, so you are more productive in the morning. You get up and spend an hour on email. Is that the best task for that time? Set priorities for your day. What is most important for you to get done tomorrow? (Remember, you’re planning the night before.) What tasks will have the biggest

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About the Author: PersonalDev